Servicizing Ideation Types for Manufacturing Firms: Categorizing Service Design Concepts from Product-Service Integrated Examples

(The Design Journal, 2018)

Jieun Kim, Hakyoung Song, Kyungwon Seo & Hokyoung Ryu


Descriptions: Studies on service design for manufacturing are emerging as a growing body of literature that tries to differentiate a manufacturing firm’s offering with new product-service integrating ideas, and in turn, a new form of value creation. However, how to ideate and/or adopt service concept still eludes many manufacturing firms. The present study developed a service ideation model building upon the systematic literature review including 80 cases from 2003 to 2015. Using both open and closed card sorting methods with experts and novices respectively, the four ideation modules were empirically verified. Each module could offer ‘how to ideate service design’ with a new value of product-service cases. These modules include 1) add functionality, 2) offset weakness, 3) enable experience, and 4) pivot interindustry, by which manufacturing firms can readily apply these modules in their service ideation workshops. Finally, the study concluded a framework of how these service ideation modules could be inserted into the service design process.

This study is extended to an interdisciplinary research approach with artisitc thinking.

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