New features (functions) selection technique on user's false belief

Journal of Korean HCI Society (2014)

Jangsun Lee, Gyunghyun Choi, Jieun Kim & Hokyoung Ryu


Abstract: Selecting appropriate features that products or services should provide for users has been a critical decision making problem for designers. However, the existing feature selection methods have prominent limitations when figuring out how they perceive the features. For example, selecting features based on the users’ preference without analyzing users’ mental models might lead to the ‘feature creep’ phenomenon. In this study, we suggest the ‘False belief technique’ that is able to detect users’ mental model for the products/services that are formed after being provided with new features. This technique will be utilized as a way forward to help the designer to determine what features should be included in the new product development.

The present study is to manifest the "false memory" concept in Psychology for selecting functions (features) in a new product development. We collect various mental models whilst firstly exposing to the users, and later, we recollect how they transform their mental models from their first impression. This might be good to retrive how each user would believe what functions should be included in the new product.
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